In February 2018, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council went to the community to confirm what were the issues and opportunities of our rural land. From there, Council produced ten issues papers which explored each of these issues in depth.
Further consultation with the community was undertaken in late 2018. The community feedback and the information presented by the issues papers have been used to create this Directions Paper.
The Directions Paper is a snap shot of what issues are important to our Local Government Area as well as the opportunities we should pursue when drafting land use legislation and control plans. It is a living document and there is no time limit on giving us feedback.
Directions Paper
In March 2018, background research began for the preparation of a Rural Lands Strategy. The Rural Lands Strategy is one of several strategies which will act to inform the new Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Environment Plan.
In May-October 2018, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, in conjunction with Riverina Agriconsultants (formerly Booth Associates), researched topics identified during the Villages Strategy as issues within the Local Government Area. The issues identified were:
- CRGC Freight and Transport
- CGRC Agricultural Tourism Issues Paper
- CGRC Farm Diversification Issues Paper
- CGRC Farm Holdings Issues Paper
- CGRC Regional Food Issues Paper
- CGRC Rural Living Issues Paper
- CGRC Connections to Villages and Towns Issues Paper
- CGRC Forestry Issues Paper
- CGRC Mining Disused Mines and Landfill Issues Paper
- CGRC Environmental Pressures Issues Paper
Copies of each issues paper will also be available for viewing at each of the Council offices and public libraries.