Fire Safety

In 2017, the NSW Government introduced reforms through the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (the Regulation) to strengthen fire safety certification for new and existing buildings.

These reforms aim to improve the rigour and checking in the design, approval, construction and maintenance phases of the building life cycle.

Fire Safety Schedule

A fire safety schedule specifies each of the fire safety measures that apply to the building premises. The fire safety measures specified in the fire safety schedule will vary for each building and can be both essential fire safety measures and critical fire safety measures. The schedule also specifies the minimum standard of performance for each of the measures.

Fire Safety Schedules are issued by Council when required by c168 of the Regulation. A Fire Safety Schedule is attached to the relevant development consent, complying development certificate, construction certificate or fire safety order. When required to be issued by c168 of the Regulation.

Fire safety certificates

A fire safety certificate is a document issued by or on behalf of the building owner(s) upon the completion of new building work.

The certificate confirms that each of the fire safety measures that apply to a building (as listed in the fire safety schedule) have been installed and checked by a properly qualified person. This process helps verify that the required fire safety measures can perform to the minimum standard.

A fire safety certificate must be issued using a standard template form published by the NSW Government, and a copy must be displayed on the premises.

Fire safety statements

A fire safety statement is a document issued by or on behalf of the owner(s) of an existing building.

The statement confirms that a competent fire safety practitioner has assessed, inspected and verified the performance of each fire safety measure that applies to the building.

There are two types of fire safety statements:

  • Annual fire safety statements

An annual fire safety statement must be issued each year and include all the essential fire safety measures that apply to a building. The statement also verifies that a competent fire safety practitioner has inspected and confirmed that the exit systems in the building are in compliance with the Regulation.

  • Supplementary fire safety statements

A supplementary fire safety statement is issued at more regular intervals (as specified in the fire safety schedule) for any critical fire safety measures that apply to a building.

Fire Safety Statements must be lodged with Council and copies provided to the Fire Commissioner.

For more information see the Annual Fire Safety Statement Factsheet.

