Delivery Program and Operational Plan

The Delivery Program is designed as the single point of reference for all activities undertaken by Council. It details the activities to be undertaken to achieve the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan over the four year Council term.

The Operational Plan is a sub-plan of the Delivery Program which directly addresses the actions outlined in the Delivery Program and identifies projects, programs and activities that Council will be undertaking within the next financial year. It is supported by a detailed budget, as well as a Revenue Policy and Council’s Fees and Charges.


Operational Plan 2020-2021

Documents being finalised. Please contact Council for further information.

01 Operational Plan 2020 2021 Part 1

02 Operational Plan 2020 2021 Actions Projects and Activities Part 2

05 Operational Plan 2020 2021 Fees and Charges Part 5

04 Operational Plan 2020 2021 Part 4 LTFP


Delivery Program

Delivery Program 2018-19-2020-21


Operational Plan 2019-2020

Operational Plan 2019-20

Revenue Policy 2019-20

Fees And Charges 2019-20

Long Term Financial Plan 2019-2030


Operational Plan 2018-2019

Operational Plan 2018-19

Revenue Policy 2018-19

Fees and Charges 2018-19

Long Term Financial Plan 2018-2028


